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The rogue heroes are under the Puppeteers control, and are stealing the components for the next stage of the vil-Naturally, the sudden change of heart on the part of the lains plans: a super-science gadget or magical artifact orcity and its populace is the work of the Puppeteer, influ- ritual to massively increase Mind Control range, allowingencing key people to turn public opinion against the he- the villain to take over the city, country, or even the entireroes. Contents. Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold. and our Usually this involves nighttimeMore powerful Vampires have greater and more varied thefts from hospitals and biomedical companies, perhapspowers. (Use a suitable earthbound headquartersing everyone in the facility. Most have a particular or represents one particular discovery they stumbledobsession or theme to their abilities that both limits across. The pearance). The Nobodys weaknesseshero point for it. In particular, their Summon allows them toThe Baron, The Blood Count (or Countess), DeGhul, Diable, control swarms of bats and rats, or packs of wolves to doNosferatu, Sangr, Schreck their bidding.CLASSIC BITS A Vampires other thralls include victims under its mental influence, lesser Vampires of its creation, and possibleThe following are some classic bits associated with the other monsters, such as an assistant or some creation ofVampire archetype: the Vampires science or magic.HAUNTED MANOR If the Vampires bite is addictive or in some way grants supernatural influence over the victim, assign theThe archetypal lair for the Vampire is a spooky old castle or archetype a suitable Affliction, Limited to victims of themanor house. Mathematics: While it often seems evil, mathematics might not seem all that powerful, until you realize that it is the science underlying many other disciplines. This is a set-uplandlord tries to evict them, vehicles are ticketed or im- for the classic hero vs. hero battles of the comics, and apounded, and so forth. Any security helpless against the world-famous heroes, so the charac-clearance or other privileges they have are revoked, their ters are the only ones who can stop them. DEATHTRAPS Overlords are particularly given to reward- ing their enemies with a showy and in- volved death, placing them in deathtraps that allow the villain time to gloat and explain their glorious plans to the only ones truly able to appreciate them before the end. Defenses: Dodge -4, Parry -2, Fortitude SCIENTIST PL1 MR2 12, Toughness 13, Will 4. Skills: Intimidation 4 (+4), 6 = Total 34 points.Perception 4 (+5). identity, especially if he is someone of importance, such as a wealthy industrialist, political figure, respected journal-When forced to fight, the Master of Disguise relies on ist or television personality, or the like. 7 Fear: A fascination with fears and phobia, fear-inducing weapons or techniques, setting up frightening scenarios. Offense: Init 0, Grab, Improved Initiative. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 13 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Vision and Acute Smell, are common for many animals. This means if the he- enemies, allowing them to work their magic unhindered.roes are successful, the villain is not likely to try the same Sorcerers tend to favor broad area effects, particularlyscheme again. Usually standing well over seven feet noted for their ability to chase down prey. Mimics often use novel combinations of traitsKNOW YOUR ENEMY from different targetssuchSince Mimics often benefit from first- or even second-handknowledge of their subjects, they may make an effortto observe a group ofheroes carefully andgather informationbefore confrontingthem. shows up to explain how the physical world needed someEither way, they have to figure out how to get rid of him livening up. Incapable of fully understanding the dividebefore his grandstanding creates a real disaster! Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books, Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. variety of lethal displays and the whole thing rigged to blow sky-high at the stroke of midnight! metal menace intends to reproduce the diseases and then release an amount sufficient to wipe out all human life onKILL ALL HUMANS! Some Imps have the same weakness, and its a deal with things, the worse they seem to get, however,matter of knowing and using it when the Imp reappears. Appearing as beautiful menSTR 1 STA 2 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 3 INT 0 AWE 1 PRE 0 and women, They often keep their large, leathery wingsPowers: Strength-based Damage 2 (Claws), Flight 2 (8 MPH; concealed under clothing. Perhaps more than one villain is interested inbe virtually indestructible, able to move about during the it, pitting the heroes against multiple foes and the badday and immune to the concerns of others of its kind. All the while the Robot lec- ton to activate it. down. Giant squids are popular minions for seafaring heroes and villains, usable for attacking ships and water-borne foes. Perhaps the organizers of the bout are of- like professional soldiers or ninja (see the Ninja minionsfering a bigger prize, or are looking to gain something from on page 140 for examples). The lockdown has managed from later in this chapter.) Necessity is, as they say, the Shield granted by the Item of Power makes the archetypemother of invention, so the Nobody is more likely to try highly resistant to a direct assault. This caper concept bestsuits the Omnipotent Nobody version of thearchetype, given its scope.YOUNG GUNFollowing the tremendous rush of pow-er, the Jumped-Up Nobody goes look-ing to kick some capes and demonstratewhat a powerful super-being he is now.Naturally, the costumes he finds are theheroes, and he challenges them to a battlefor supremacy. What is their tie to the original villain and what isTACTICS motivating their new crime wave, and can the heroes stop them from tarnishing the legacy of a far less dangerousWhen all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like criminal that may even think of as a peer?a nail. It might of a new broker offering muscle-for-hire to the high-be staged by aliens looking to recruit the Earths best fight- est bidders. Some may heroes with more of a physicalcreate their own, mak- challenge.ing do with robots, uplift-ed animals, or mole-men; CAPERSothers need human as-sistance, often with at Adventures involvingleast a minimal amount the Mad Scientist mayof training. First. Mad Scientists naturally daimyo, or other aristocratic or warrior classes of the past,have formidable intellectual abilities but most rely heavily and wishes to combine modern science and ancient am-on devices, equipment, and minions for physical matters. Skills: Athletics 2 (+14), Close Combat: Unarmed the Expertise specialties for others. The good guys hear that all the timeLight Pistol +11 Ranged, Damage 3 and turn criminals and victims over without question.Unarmed +11 Close, Damage 2 Only with the Master of Disguise, they can later discover theyve been tricked, and the bad guy they thought theyHOW DID YOU KNOW IT WASNT ME? were handing over to authorities has actually escaped!Sometimes a Master of Disguise is foiled by a hero with Used sparingly, this provides the villain with an excellentthe right Senses effect to penetrate the villains disguise opportunity to pull one over on the heroes. Deception 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 6 (+7), Insight 8 (+10). PUPPETEERThe Puppeteer is a manipulator of the first order. own hand). There might be a reason for the Impsparticular style or it could just be a matter of taste. Fly into battle as you and your friends take on the roles of super-powered heroes in a world of villainous evil! However, you may wish to sim- This is the classic Mimic type: a villain able to duplicateply treat the villains power level as fluid, changing it as the subjects powers, often the powers of multiple sub-needed to reflect the Mimics current capabilities. Of all the various Mimics, this one has thetimes abilities, skills, advantages, and other traits as well. and may have additional powers related to their form, such as special forms of movement, additional limbs, and growth.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 149, The words you are searching are inside this book. Of course, the villain often has to attend to those plans for conquest or is called away by some- thing, leaving the heroes to their fate and giving them the opportunity to escape.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 125MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS OVERLORD PL15 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 13 2 1 1 8 12 7 7 POWERS OFFENSE INITIATIVE +1 Ranged, Damage 15 Force Field: Protection 15, Impervious 10 25 points Power Blast +15 Close, Damage 13 Life Support: Immunity 10 (Life Support) 10 points Unarmed +15 Power Blast: Ranged Damage 15 30 points Propulsion: Flight 6 12 points DEFENSE 13 FORTITUDE 14 Sensory Enhancements: Senses 11 (Accurate and Extended 13 TOUGHNESS 17 DODGE 16 2 Radio (radar), Darkvision, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, PARRY Infravision, Radio, Time Sense) 11 points WILL SKILLS POWER POINTS Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (+15), Expertise (Choose One) 8 ABILITIES 102 SKILLS 14 (+20), Insight 8 (+15), Intimidation 8 (+15), Investigation 4 38 (+16), Perception 4 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+15), Ranged Combat: POWERS 88 DEFENSES 296 Power Blast 7 (+8), Technology 12 (+24), Vehicles 4 (+5) ADVANTAGES 33 TOTAL ADVANTAGES COMPLICATIONS Assessment, Equipment 20, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Ranged Attack 7, Second Chance (Insight checks), Skill Mastery Destined to Rule: The Overlord is obsessed with power and (Technology), Takedown rulership. petri.ruotanen6205. With the players permission, it is a suitable part for a character whose player is absent or otherwiseA Vampire expecting to confront a group of heroes relies unable to participate, keeping the character involvedon assistance from thralls, perhaps even co-opting the le- in the game. Mutants & Masterminds, the World's Greatest Superhero roleplaying game, is back and better than ever! Equipmentactivities, but without the style or raw power of more provided by an employer? For or possess oddly specific scientific expertise relevant to amany, villainy is a strict 9-to-5 day job. Female Overlords are often seeking a mate that is truly a match for them, as well as a good potential father for any future offspring. Some Robots are alien in origin, but most EVIL COMPUTERcome from well-intentioned human experimentationgone awry. Lesser Vampire thralls have traits similar to the arche- type, although abilities, skills, and combat bonuses likely differ somewhat. Eventhose who prefer a directconfrontation are likely totake advantage of a vulnerableopponent. Skills: Athletics 4 (+12),tend to have a higher than average Awareness, particularly Perception 4 (+5). For example, a Psycho obsessed withever, coupled with a particular obsession. appropriate devices for personal gadgets such as weap- ons, force fields (perhaps in place of the innate PsionicTHEMES Force Field power), and the like, as well as big equipment such as a starship or outer space headquarters. A Skill Mimic able to copy multiple subjects can Identity Crisis: Mental or psychological confusion due tobecome incredibly skilled in many different areas, able to mimicking different subjects.rival a whole team of heroes. 28 + Advantages 2 + Skills 4 + Defenses 15 = Total 71 points. Skills:STR * STA 0 AGL 3 DEX 2 FGT 0 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Burst Area Affliction 3 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Expertise: Choose One 4 (+4), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+2),Stunned, Incapacitated), Insubstantial 2 (swarm, Permanent, Expertise: Pop Culture 2 (+2). Unarmed 3 (+7), Perception 5 (+6), Stealth 8 (+9). Many players may be inclinedable to fool unusual sens- to simply capture or knock out both charac-es. If you feel this sudden power develop- concerns like having to breathe.ment constitutes a complication for the heroes, the equiv-alent of a villain power stunt, then award the players a Still, hes far from invulnerable. masters from another dimesnionor even trying to bringThe wolf may also be used to represent other large canines.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 145MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS CULT ADEPT PL3 MR3 STR 1 STA 1 AGL 1 DEX 0 FGT 1 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE 1 Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1), Pistol (Damage 3). NAME IDEASYou can further customize the archetype by assigning differ- Typically over-the-top and grandiose monikers like theent or additional powers to the Item of Powers array. When confronted Wings), Immunity 18 (Acid Damage, Aging, Cold Damage, Fireor angered their true nature is revealed by a slip in theirfaade: an intense fiery glow held within their eyes that Damage, Poison, Disease), Morph 1 (Human guise), Imperviousnot even the contact lenses can mask. This massively built foe relies on strengthcharacters combat style and background. The heroes may have a chance to try and preventIn this way the Robot may end up creating new rival vil- the abduction, but it can succeed as a complication, iflains as well! They leave that to their various minions, who The archetypes here can serve as a baseline for creatingalso run interference, fetch needed components, or kid- more exotic creatures. Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel Files Uploaded by Pedro Neves Copyright: Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC) Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 117 MARVEL FILES MDSnowmans fABSORBING MAN COMBAT: Attack +11 [Unarmed +17, Ball & Chain +17; 18-20 Crit; 15ft.] evil entity, or some other power. This might allow heroes to appeal to their own better qualities to convinceSome classic elements associated with the Mimic include: the Mimic to change its planned course of action.FACE-OFF TACTICSSome Mimics do more than just copy their subjects The standard Mimic tactic can be summed up as: Study,traits; they can also duplicate someones appearance, copy, strike. The Mimic take the opportunity to do what-essentially Morphing into the subject. Created Date: 4/10/2020 4:55:17 PM . lie in human frailties: a fairly low Fortitude defense and a mediocre Insight modifier. The villain simplyagility and confusion, particularly mixing things up in has the misfortune of choosing a target who is secretlyclose combat. A Tainted Mimic that duplicates powers an alien super-gladiator. This Super-Powered by M&M RPG release brings you The Adventurer Enhanced Archetype.This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a hero of your own that may lack metahuman super powers, but make up for it in experience, know-how, grit, gumption, and reckless bravery. Mimicking multiple subjects often the most efficient mannerresults in a strange composite appearance for the Mimic. Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 4, Toughness 3, Will 3. They lovingly embrace their gimmickswith an appropriate costume for themselves and minions, THATS ODDLY SPECIFICthemed crimes, and strings of bad puns.

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